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Foreign Trade

we can assist companies bring US products and services to Latin American markets

Established as a full services firm by Hector Rivera Jr. in the year 1990, Rivera Global is a firm specialized in assisting clients, from large corporations to small and medium-sized businesses, in auditing, consulting, accounting, tax, administrative and legal services.

The origin of our firm resulted from the merge of two companies: Rivera Fernandez & Associates, specialized in tax consulting and administrative advising with many years of experience, and high presence in the Dominican market, and the Ureña Puente & associates, a firm recognized for its many achievements in the areas of accounting, auditing, and human resources. Both firms joined together to provide a complete and specialized high-quality service.

Our team consists of more than 20 specialists: lawyers, accountants, auditors, and economists, all with extensive experience in their field of work; this is the reason why we can assist our clients in a specialized, comprehensive, efficient, and expeditious way, fully engaging in the most demanding requirements of the national and international markets.

We are in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and in Panama City, Panama.

Foreign Trade Services

Latin America and US Trade:

Rivera Global has its own department specialized in foreign trade consulting services.

Our team of trade professionals can help you operate more effectively in exporting goods and services from the United States to Latin America. 

We can assist your company in developing and implementing strategies to help you take advantage of free trade agreements, special programs, and transactional effectiveness.

Our firm is specialized in foreign trade consulting. We have over 20 years of experience dealing in the Latin American market.

We can help your company and clients in the following areas:

  • Customs procedures (customs valuation, tariff classification and duty-free treatment)
  • Handling international transportation procedures
  • Rules of origin to qualify for preferential treatment
  • Quantitative restrictions (QR)
  • Licensing and importation permit
  • Technical standards
  • Regulations regarding consumer protections
  • Regulations on environmental protections
  • Marking requirements
  • Sanitary and phytosanitary requirements
  • Assistance in matter related to antidumping, countervailing measures and safeguards measures      

Turnkey Market Development

Market Research:

We provide USA exporters the opportunity to develop new markets. Through research and market intelligence, identifying with market opportunities to compete effectively in foreign markets.

Customs Duties and Internal Taxes:

We also provide USA exporters the know how to develop their presence in new markets with customs duties and internal taxation studies, as they may affect trade.

Assistance in Transaction and Negotiations:

Rivera Global holds contacts and serves as an agent with local distributors and final buyers as well as locates or identifies representatives in the local market.


Depending on the conclusion of these market studies, customs duties analysis and negotiation with local buyers we can assist in the next step by bringing your products and services to these Latin American markets.